Sloppy, poppy, and proud! That’s what Scratch N’ Sniff spray painted on the side of their van just before heading off on their first tour in 1998. The band started a year earlier, back in 1997, when three friends got together to start a pop punk group in the same vein as Screeching Weasel and The Ramones.
Scratch N’ Sniff played raw pop punk, unpolished and unapologetic in every way. After performing with the hardcore thrash punk band, Left Right Combo, the two bands quickly became friends and approached Bad Stain Records with the idea of doing a split seven inch record together. Scratch N’ Sniff had been featured on a compilation album that the label had released, and they found that being on the comp had help them generate many new fans, and felt that Bad Stain could help promote both bands with the release.
The band signed with Bad Stain and entered the studio immediately to record tracks for the upcoming split release. In November of 1998, Bad Stain Records released the split seven inch record, and Scratch N’ Sniff embarked on their first tour. The band spent the next ten days on the road, returning home just before Christmas to be with their friends and family.
Scratch N’ Sniff didn’t stay home long, and in January of 1999, the band once again headed out on the road, this time for 22 days. The tour was hard on the band, and eventually the stress caused friction between band members. After returning home from the disaster, the band continued to have internal problems over the next several months. As the end of the year approached, the band members had decided that their fun hobby had gradually turned into something that they didn’t enjoy at all. In late 1999, Scratch N’ Sniff officially broke up, and the band has never performed together since.